Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Extreme Lengths Girls Go to have a ‘Waspy’ Waist like Bridget Achieng

Upcoming socialite Bridget Achieng is famed for kiuno cha nyingu na makalio ya nzige (tiny waist and big butt) a figure she attributes to 8 hours of waist training and doing 250 sit-ups a day for the last three months.
Whew! As if that is not enough, she apparently got a concoction from a Tanzanian medicine man that costs 50,000 Kshs that further enhanced her waist into ‘nyingu’ levels.
But as they say mwenda uthaka ndachayaga’ which directly translates to ‘The one that loves beauty doesn’t pant” i.e., be should be able to put up with some rather extreme things in the pursuit of beauty.

