Friday, March 25, 2016

Tanzania, Where Speaker Ndugai went wrong...

Dar es Salaam. The Speaker of National Assembly, Mr Job Ndugai announced 18 parliamentary committees in January, 2016. The committees were announced along with its MPs’ members from different political parties in the House.

However, there were different views from political analysts and politicians on the composition of the committees especially on the background and ability of some MPs who were selected members of the watchdog committees.
The outspoken MPs who in one way or another were expected to lead watchdog committees that oversee sensitive matters within the government’s organisations such as Public Accounts Committee, Local Authorities Accounts Committee and Public Investments Committee were appointed members to other committees.

Two months later, corruption claims have been levelled against some parliamentary committees and some MPs. It is believed that some MPs were involved in soliciting and receiving bribes.
The ongoing corruption claims against the parliament are likely to be interpreted as Speaker Ndugai’s grave mistake in forming parliamentary committees and selecting its members.
The selection of unexperienced chairpersons and MPs to lead committees that deal with sensitive issues are among reasons that are said to have failed some committee to perform their duties efficiently.

Singida East MP, Tundu Lissu (Chadema) told The Citizen on Saturday that writing was on the wall that the parliamentary committees were going perform poorly due to the nature of its formation and composition.
Mr Lissu said there is an intervention of another state organ into the parliament business and that Mr Ndugai has been helpless in protecting the House’s interests.
“We challenged the formation and composition of parliamentary committee from the beginning but no one listened to us,” said Mr Lissu.

According to Mr Lissu, the committees were deliberately weakened so that they can’t be able to take government to tusk.
“This was a special scheme to make the parliament toothless, Mr Ndugai removed all capable and experienced MPs from watchdog committees to other committees, which literary cannot take government to tusk,” said Mr Lissu.
He said experts, experienced and capable MPs were moved to HIV and AIDS affairs Committee, Social Development and Services Committee and others.

“It is true to say Speaker Ndugai created this problem, he failed to form strong committees, he allowed weak MPs to lead strong committees, it is obvious that all MPs are equal but they are different in the way of thinking and analyzing sensitive issues,” he said.
However, Kigoma urban MP, Mr Zitto Kabwe (ACT-wazalendo) told The Citizen on Saturday that Speaker Ndugai fulfilled his duties according to the parliamentary standing orders.

“Speaker Ndugai formed the committees. The chairpersons were selected by committee members, today the parliamentary image has been tarnished, I hope this will serve as a lesson” he said.
According to Mr Kabwe, the current formation of the parliamentary committee does not reflect with the current government’s speed.
The outspoken MP added that removing chairperson from their positions and changing MPs from one committee to another won’t help much to solve the problem and instead thorough investigation must be conducted to restore the parliament credibility.

“PCCB investigation will tell the truth, there have been a tendency for the government to accuse the parliament, this might be a scheme, let PCCB investigate the matter and give us the findings,” he said.
Being one of the most respected and trusted state organ, the parliament is not supposed to be doubted or associated in anyway with issues related to corruption. The parliament supervise the government and make sure whatever is planned is implemented in favour of majority wananchi.
The corruption claims have attracted the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) to intervene and investigate the matter. On Wednesday, the PCCB boss, Mr Valentino Mlowola told The Citizen that a sweeping investigation had been ordered into the matter.

He said: “Our work is to investigate all allegations related to corruption and therefore in this case we are investigating each of the MPs who have been mentioned,” said Mr Mlowola.

If found true, it is obvious the parliament will lose its credibility and trust before the public. The corruption related accusations are likely to tarnish the good image of the parliament and MPs in generals since they are in the house to represent wananchi and advocate for the country’s development.
The media reports revealed on Tuesday that some parliamentary committees’ leaders solicited and took bribe from some public institutions.

One of the chairperson is said to have received Sh8 million from the Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (Ewura). The MPs are also accused of soliciting and receiving cash from the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), Ewura, National Housing Corporation (NHC) and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).
Following such claims, some MPs have decided to resign from their committees to allow investigation to take place on the matter. Those who submitted resignation letters include Kigoma Urban Mp, Zitto Kabwe (ACT-Wazalendo), Nzega MP, Hussein Bashe (CCM) and Mbinga Urban Mp, Sixtus Mapunda (CCM).

The Speaker of the national Assembly, Mr Job Ndugai removed three parliamentary committee chairpersons and two vice chairpersons from their leadership roles on the day that reports emerged revealing that investigations had been launched into reports that members of the affected committees had solicited for bribes from state parastatals.
Those who were removed as leaders include Ms Martha Mlata, who was the chairperson of Energy and Minerals parliamentary committee. She was transferred to Parliamentary Committee on Industry and Trade as an ordinary member.

Others removed are the chairperson of Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources and Tourism, Ms Mary Mwanjelwa, who has been transferred to the Industry and Trade committee as well as Mr Richard Ndassa who was heading the Public Investment Committee (PIC). He was moved to the Constitutional Committee.

The vice chairperson of the Local Authorities Accounts Committee (LAAC) Mr Kangi Lugola and his Social Services Committee counterpart Dr Raphael Chegeni were also kicked out. The Speaker also moved other 27 MPs from their committees to other committees.
The University of Dar es Salaam’s Professor Kitila Mkumbo said truth must be revealed so that wananchi could understand what is going on. He said the parliament must do everything in its capacity to clear the dark cloud or risk to lose people’s trust.

Regarding the corruption scandal, Mr Ndugai told a local radio station on Wednesday that the parliament does not carry out investigations against MPs as the mandate was left to other state organs.

The Citizen

