Bongo Video vixen Giggy Money and Big Brother Africa winner also Miss Tanzania 2006
Wema Sepetu's Ex-boyfriend Idris Sultan were caught hanging out together at last night on pool party event. With a lot of confidence Gigy Money was kissing Idris Sultan frequently, at that event wema sepetu was not present made Gigy Money to do what she wished to do, this makes Us to ask ourselves, Wema Sepetu and Idris Sultan are not together again? and this is new romantic relationship between Idris Sultan and Gigy Money?When Gigy Money asked about what she did, She said Idris is her friend and what happened is normal issue,
Wema Sepetu's Ex-boyfriend Idris Sultan were caught hanging out together at last night on pool party event. With a lot of confidence Gigy Money was kissing Idris Sultan frequently, at that event wema sepetu was not present made Gigy Money to do what she wished to do, this makes Us to ask ourselves, Wema Sepetu and Idris Sultan are not together again? and this is new romantic relationship between Idris Sultan and Gigy Money?When Gigy Money asked about what she did, She said Idris is her friend and what happened is normal issue,
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