Sunday, April 17, 2016

President Robert Mugabe's daughter, Bona gives birth to his first grandchild in Dubai

President Robert Mugabe is now a proud grandpa at the age of 92 after daughter Bona gave birth to a baby boy on Saturday, April 16, in Dubai, The Zimbabwe Standard reports. A conflicting report by Zimbabwe Independent says she gave birth in Singapore
Last week, Mugabe was quoted in the state-run media as saying Bona was heavily pregnant and his wife Grace had travelled to be with their daughter.

According to local media, the good news was disclosed by Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare minister, Prisca Mufumira at a Zanu PF Makonde inter-district meeting yesterday.

Bona was spotted heavily pregnant in a pink maternity dress in January when she appeared at State House where Mugabe was launching a book containing a collection of speeches by Tanzania’s founding president Julius Nyerere.

Bona is married to Simba Chikore, a pilot, in a lavish wedding which took place on March 1 2014. Their traditional marriage took place in Zvimba – Mugabe’s rural home about 96km north west of the capital in August 2013.

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