Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Real Reason Why Beyoncé Made Lemonade And Why Jay Z Approved

Beyonce 's new album Lemonade has sparked debate and speculation about Jay Z 's alleged cheating. 
However,it has been claimed he was actually involved throughout the whole process.
According to E! News ,Beyonce created Lemonade to heal and Jay Z understood the need for her to..

"They had been having problems for years," reveals a source close to the couple. "There was a constant commitment issue between them and in the end they were barely speaking. Beyoncé didn't fully trust Jay and it was hard for her to get past that."They went to a lot of counseling and have been working on their issues ever since. They had help to get them through it.
Out of the pain came Beyoncé's masterpiece, Lemonade. It was a project that ran the risk of becoming a breakup album; but it managed to transition into so much more and, in the end, told a story of love and hope, of betrayal and sorrow, of trusting your instincts, of denial. 
Jay Z has been fully on board with how Beyoncé has chosen to deal with her hurt.

 "He is fully supportive. He understands the reasoning," another insider tells us. "This is part of the process of being transparent. And they have healed. He has been very humble about the experience. Beyoncé is the love of his life and he will do what it takes.
"Jay was involved in the creation of Lemonade and knew every song Bey was going to release. He knew the lyrics; he knew the implications. He had to approve the songs before release. Jay is a very smart businessman...Bottom line is that they are both really smart and they both saw dollar signs."
According to another source,
 "Beyoncé is amazed on how everything turned out. She worked day and night on this. She celebrated with family; Jay was by her side. When Beyoncé put this album together she was aware of the message she was sending out. She knew that people were going to dissect each word. Beyoncé wanted to connect with women's emotions with this album."
As for the cheating implications, the source says,
 "Jay is all about self-expression, so he gets it. Beyoncé shares music before it's released with Jay so he can listen and share his thoughts. When it comes to music, they are very in it together and supportive of each other's craft."
