Saturday, April 30, 2016

Video:See How Sheesha is Dangerous to Your Health...Watch This from the Government

Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office Jenista Mhagama has met with the press Dodoma to raise public awareness about the effects of drugs and how to deal with the thisproblem.

Minister Mhagama also has banned servants All hospitals kutowauzia drugs Methadone victims of drugs because suprized that it is free .. 'We have given a stern warning, and every provider who breaches on this service will be taken step'

If you are a user of Shisha This also applies to you, Minister Mhagama says  "We have started to do some research and have found that there are all indications of drug use in shisha '

"Tanzanians especially to youth involved in the use of shisha in comfortable areas to take precautions too, is an area that leads to the use of drugs'
