Wednesday, April 27, 2016

9-year-old boy abandoned by his own pays for his own adoption

A nine-year-old boy, Tristan Jacobson, who was abandoned by his biological mother set up a lemonade stand in front of his foster parent’s house so he can raise money for them to adopt him.
Jacobson, was abandoned in freezing weather by his mum who was a prostitute, on the doorstep of a Missouri shelter, when he was just five. His biological father is behind bars for a crime that wasn't mentioned.

Donnie Davis got a call about Tristin, and she's been taking care of him ever since.

Jacobson has always wanted Davis to adopt him, but she couldn't afford the legal fees. So this past week he opened up a lemonade stand to raise money.

According to Tristan’s mum, Donnie Davis, she created a fundraising page on called Tristan’s Adoption Fund more than a month ago but only got $60. Meanwhile, the family scrimped and saved. They traded their nicer phones for cheaper prepaid ones. She stopped getting her hair and nails done. Everything that didn’t go to the bills was set aside for adoption fees.

Tristan Jacobson, a shy 9-year-old who loves math and basketball, wanted to help, too. So Davis suggested he set up a lemonade stand during the sale.
Fortunately, his story went viral over the weekend, people showed up at their home in droves. One couple drove 2 1/2 hours, Davis said. Another man was driving from California to Chicago and heard the story on the radio and detoured to get a bottle of Tristan’s lemonade. They were selling each lemonade for $1. Many people paid $20, some paid $100 for a bottle.
Tristan said:
“I love it here. It’s better than my other house. Better than my other mom’s. She never took care of me.”

Springfield News Leader reports that as of last weekend, Jacobson now has enough money to pay for his adoption.

Their goal was $5,000 and they have raised a total of $14,000 as at the weekend.

Tristan’s lemonade stand and a yard sale raised about $7,100, and the fundraiser they started on called Tristan’s Adoption Fund raised more than $6,900.

Davis says the extra money will go toward Jacobson's college education

Jacobson’s adoption will most likely take several months to be official. Then, he will finally have a family to call his own.

